
布兰登·纳西索 '21

业务 Administration Sport and Recreation Management

With the sport management degree, I get an automatic minor in 业务 Administration, so I am learning sports management and business at the same time. They work together really well. It’s everything that I want to do.

UNE is really helping me on my path. 上学期, I took a sport marketing class, and we had a project where we had to create a new promotional concept for the Portland Seadogs baseball team, which is an affiliate of the Boston Red Sox. I jumped right into the opportunity … I couldn’t imagine a better way to get my foot in the door than saying that I helped to create a promotional campaign for a minor league team. I came up with an idea that we pitched to the Seadogs marketing and sales director who had come down for our class presentations. He picked my project as one that he wanted to see progress further, 然后, 作为一个班级, we worked on my idea and then pitched the final project to him again, 他很喜欢.

到那时, I had already applied to be an intern for the Seadogs, and my professor really encouraged me. [Eventually], I got a call saying that they would like me to be an intern for the upcoming season. I’m so thankful to my professors and to UNE for allowing me to have these types of unique opportunities.

Welcoming Community

最初, I thought I would go to a school in 麻萨诸塞州, but after visiting UNE a few times, it just felt like home to me. The more I came here, the more I fell in love with it and realized that it checked off all the boxes for what I want for myself in the future. If you feel an instinct of comfort, then this is the place for you. It was definitely that way for me. I think it’s important to embrace that feeling and explore the opportunities that are here.

I made instant connections with people here at UNE. Right away, I gelled a lot with the people around me. When I decided to come here, I committed fully to it, and I made some really great friendships. I’ve met people from California, 德州, 佛罗里达, 新汉普郡, 康涅狄格, 麻萨诸塞州, 缅因州, 及以后. All over the country. It’s really cool to hear everyone’s different stories and learn about their diverse backgrounds.